We are looking for Community Helpers!


Hello everyone,

Here is a short summary of the situation with Curve Fever Pro. There currently seems to be no plan to implement any modes or features like CFP's on another game any time soon. At the same time, the recently implemented cost reductions allow us to breathe a bit and give the possibility to keep CFP running for quite some more time. There is, in short, no end in sight for CFP. 

All of this led us to decide and try to give it another push, to keep CFP not only alive but also thriving! We want to start off again with an explosive autumn, full of events of all sorts, to see this Discord server more active again and, of course, many active lobbies in-game! Tell your friends!

To that end, we are opening up (almost) all "staff" positions in a new call for applications! This call comes together with a general reorganization of "staff", following a movement we started with the creation of Tour Helpers: there will be (almost) no more "staff", only "Community helpers". Everybody can apply to be a Community helper dedicated to one or more areas. This reorganization should make it generally easier to get involved, to communicate with each other, and should allow for more flexibility for one-time projects, to ultimately make your ideas and dreams come true 

By filling in the form below, you can tell what you want to help out with: Tour hosting, Visual content creation, Contest/Event hosting (including Discord games ), Moderation... or anything else you can think of! Not only can you select/describe exactly what within each category you would like to help out with, but you can also make your own suggestions! Feel free to click on the various options in the form to see more details about which possibilities are suggested.

In this new organizational concept, applications will be encouraged and received continuously. However, to get us started in an organized and focused manner, a first call for applications is being released now to lay a solid foundation for the work to come. (Of course, there is still a selection and coordination process to keep things manageable and in line with our rules).

Applications for this round will close on Monday, 18 September 2023 23:59, CEST.

For any question, please don't hesitate to contact @conchordio (Conchord) on Discord, or send an email to support@curvefever.com .